Protecting our patients and community : Covid 19 safety practices

Now more than ever recognizing the mouth-full body connection for optimum health is critical. We want your oral health to stay in optimal condition so your immune system is better able to function against outside threats from viruses.

We have always had a commitment to keeping our office safe and adhere to the strictest sterilization protocols available.

We have implemented additional steps to be part of our “new protocol” as a result and are now even better suited to protect and care for you.

  • We are a small private practice with just one doctor. This will help to keep the number of people within our office low at all times.
  • Our waiting room has been restructured with safety in mind. We will reduce the capacity to 3 patients at a time, each in a seat that is 10 feet distant. We can text you when to come up if you prefer to wait in your car. We pride ourselves on running on time and hope this will help you feel most comfortable. We also ask that you try to leave anyone accompanying you in the hall or your vehicle to wait at this time if possible.
  • We will screen and take temperatures on all team members each day as well as each patient arriving.
  • Office has a medical grade air disinfecting purifier which works to vaporize peroxide and destroy viruses and bacteria in the air and on surfaces
  • Hand sanitizer available and positioned throughout the office
  • Pre brush/rinse with peroxide gel to help disrupt not just covid 19, but other potential viruses and bacteria
  • We also fabricate peroxide gel trays/perio protect trays to improve your overall oral health (and whiten) at home
  • We are equipped with ND95 masks and proper ppe
  • Complimentary UV sterilizer during your visit to sterilize your phone in 5 minutes
  • All encounters that are amenable to strict hand-washing protocols and room disinfection protocols are in place. All rooms are designated for single-patient use at a time.
  • Dental procedures will use an Isolite system to reduce aerosols from patients and keep patients in the chair safer from inhaling any particles etc. Learn more about the advantages of using an Isolite system.
  • *A study published in JADA found that the Isolite significantly reduces spatter compared to the use of an HVE alone. Another study showed that Isolite evacuation resulted in a 66% reduction of particles compared to a saliva ejector.
  • *The Isolite has multiple features that protect you and your patients — and it allows you to perform procedures faster and easier.
  • Each operators will be equipped with state of the art additional ADS HVE suction system to collect and neutralize aerosols with medical grade UV light. Please see website for more detailed information.
  • Each room is equipped with a GLO™ Upper Air UV Fixture. Upper air ultraviolet (UV) lights have been an effective tool in reducing the risk of airborne disease transmission for decades. The GLO fixture exceeds the performance guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for hospital and healthcare applications.
  • Beautiful state of the Art Cerec restorations create same day crowns cutting down the number of visits you need to make to our office.